Saturday, November 12, 2005

Can a 6 year old be too literal?

I have been accused of taking things too literally. The first time that I can remember was the first day of first grade.
I had gone to kindergarten, so I had a year of school under my belt. That was public school and now I was going to St. Teresa of Avila for grade school. This particular school had first grade in a separate facility from grades 2-8. It was about 3 blocks from home -- down our street for two blocks, make a left for a block and there the school was, across Glenway Ave., a busy city street.
My Mom and my little sister had walked me down in the morning with no trouble.
As I left school and came up to Glenway with the other kids, I was faced with a dilemma. I was not allowed to cross a street without Mom or Dad looking. So I stopped even though all the other kids were crossing with the crossing guard. I refused to cross, even when the guard called over one of the nuns, I still refused. Finally, they had to call my mom and she and my sister came down to get me. Mom was mad but laughed after I explained that I followed the rules. The "no crossing the street rules" were then modified to include people in authority.
Looking back, I was as worried about Mom figuring out that I had crossed without her or Dad as I was about being disobedient.

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